Are there any expat-run volunteer organizations?

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Cebu, the Queen City of the South, is a popular destination for both tourists and expats. Its beautiful beaches, rich culture, and friendly locals make it an ideal place to relocate to. For those who want to give back to the community and get involved in volunteer work, there are several expat-run organizations in Cebu that offer opportunities to make a difference.

One such organization is the Cebu International School (CIS) Community Outreach Program. This program was started by expat teachers at the school and aims to improve the lives of underprivileged children in the local community. Volunteers can teach English, provide tutoring, or organize activities for the children.

Another expat-run organization in Cebu is the Philippine Accessible Disability Services (PADS). This non-profit organization provides assistance and services to people with disabilities in the Philippines. Volunteers can help with fundraising events, provide support to disabled individuals, or assist with administrative tasks.

For those interested in environmental conservation, the Coral Reef CPR organization is a great option. This organization was founded by a group of expats and aims to protect and restore coral reefs in the Philippines. Volunteers can participate in coral reef surveys, assist with beach cleanups, or help with educational programs.

If you are interested in volunteering with any of these organizations or want to find other ways to get involved in the community, contact Yehro Cebu City. We can connect you with local service providers who can assist you in finding volunteer opportunities or any other service you may need in Cebu.

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